Saturday, July 23, 2011

The 56th Observation Of "The Dawn Of The Downward Spiral"

This Year's Grand Marshall: Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

This guys is AMAZING!!! He is one of my favs heading into the Republican Presidential Primary Season. Why do I make him Grand Marshal, you ask?

A. He saved the Godfather Pizza chain, ties in with the Food of Observance.
B. "Godfather" in the movies does stuff that requires a Tombstone!
C. I wanted a celebrity Grand Marshall.

As always, you commenmorate the Observation by partaking of the following:
A tasty, freshly baked Tombstone Pizza with your choice of toppings.

A "Black Russian" beverage. Learn about them and how to make one HERE.

Last but not least, this years song. Since "The Dawn Of The Downward Spiral" falls on a Sunday this year, the musical selection is, indeed, appropriate.


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