Sunday, October 17, 2010

I know, I know....

...I shoulda written sooner. Thing is SOOOO much going on in my head...trying to organize it for this medium.

I do want to send a H U G E THANK YOU and shout out to my friend who got me a little space heater that does not throw a clot through my generator. Heats things quite nicely, even when up against BIG winds and cold temps! He has also assumed the role of "Gasoline Genie", making petrol appear overnight!

SIDETRACK: We had 2 days of really intense, non-stop winds here. And since I am parked on a hill with no natural barriers, The Conversion Van Of Wonders was rocking as if I really did have a "social" life.

A big thank you and God bless as well to all who stopped by the last couple of days.

Had my M.R.I. on Thursday as well as a test to check my brain stem and something else. Next week is the E.E.G. and some procedure to test my optic nerves. Will post all results when I have them.

Plus a visit to the dentist on Tuesday.

Oh...and my new goal of quitting smoking...for good!

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. To the one who asked me speaking to a group...

    Have someone in charge reach out to me either via a comment (I won't publish it) or stopping by to see me.
